Congratulations – you’ve decided to have a baby. Or surprise – you’re having a baby. The journey of life and love is unique for each child and your heart will expand beyond imaginable levels. This is on top of being filled with indescribable joy, love, passion, worry and aches - all over the unknowns of this crazy world we live in.

“May you be well, may you be happy, and may you sleep and wake to a better tomorrow” is the prayer I say for my children every night. This is also what I want for you, as a mother and creator of your own journey.
After all - parenting is about finding the sweet balance between a touch of chaos and a whole lot of magic in everyday life. But conflicting advice, the pressure to choose paths that don’t feel right, and society’s portrayal of what happiness should look like – can rob us of our internal joy and seeing the beauty that’s right in front of us.
Here you’ll find non-judgemental and unbiased support. So, that you can go to your healthcare professionals with a little background knowledge, and work with them to make the healthcare choices that are right and safe for you. – Your takeaway midwife is never to be used on its own or as a substitute for professional healthcare advice.
After more than sixteen years working as a midwife, including seven years in the neonatal unit of the Melbourne Royal Children’s Hospital, in mother-baby-units and consulting privately with families to establish sleeping and realistic routines, I can tell you that nothing teaches you more than being a mother. This is one of the many things I have learnt along the way - being the mother to three precious little people.
The insights I have gained through my experience allow me to offer a level of comfort in knowing that tough moments will pass (I promise they almost always do) and how to get through them when you’re in them. As well as the wisdom to know that - some things don’t go to plan and, despite this there’s still hope of living your best life.
There’s not enough time in the hospital care system to learn it all. Especially right now during this global pandemic. I hope the information on my page will nourish your soul, heal your thoughts and give you hope, along with a dash of feel-good advice.
There’s no way to be a perfect parent. What would be the fun in that?! This is the most love-filled journey of your life. Let’s make it great. Welcome to your safe space!
My birthing stories
– one natural and one caesarean
I gave birth to our first-born, Zara, naturally. It was a tough, painful, posterior labour. I still look back on that labour of love with a grateful heart and appreciation. I did it. Holding her in my arms for the very first time and feeling her tiny feet wiggle and gently kick on my stomach the very same way she did as she grew inside me, is something I will never forget.
(#shemademeamamma #foreverchanged #foreverloved)
However, my pregnancy with our second baby, Hudson, brought along a series of surprises. Such as placenta previa and the very rare vasa previa. Which meant that I was hospitalised prior to giving birth and scheduled for a planned caesarean, essential to save our baby’s life.
As a midwife, I was afraid that having a caesarean wouldn’t be as intimate and powerful as giving birth naturally was for me. You’re in a theatre with a team of professionals surrounding and assisting the birth. Naturally, you’re a little nervous. But suddenly, as though you’re on the best romantic date of your life with destiny, the room around you disappears. Nothing compares to seeing that little baby that you’ve been growing, protecting and waiting for. Plus, that added magic of holding them safely in your arms for the very first time. Our obstetrician, Dr Lionel Steinberg, held Hudson over the curtain in front of my belly and I kissed his little baby feet. (#thatfirstkiss #howwonderfullifeisnowyoureintheworld #amomentofpuremagic #caesareansarebeautifultoo)